Welcome to Your Clubs and Activity Guide for Grades 9-12 For Students, Faculty, Parents & Community
Narragansett High School offers its students a wide variety of co-curricular activities, including more than 28 clubs and activities. Please explore these options from the below list compiled by our dedicated PTO as well as the contacts below for more information.
ACT: Accept-Change-Tolerate
The ACT Team is a student organization devoted to building empathy, valuing and accepting differences and diversity, and promoting a culture of tolerance and respect at Narragansett High School. The ACT Team has sponsored Challenge Day, a very powerful program that had a significant impact on participating students and adults, challenging them to change the culture of the school and community in positive ways. We meet twice a month to plan events, and discuss the school climate and other student concerns.
Art Club
Are you an artist? Would you like to be one? If you are available every other Tuesday afternoon from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM, starting on October 2nd, please come to Mrs. Heidel's room (505A) and join the Art Club. This year, we hope to offer challenging but rewarding assignments and activities that will help you grow and improve as an artist. Some of these activities include figure drawing, critique sessions, portraiture, pottery wheel instruction and anatomy lessons as well as free time to work on personal projects. If your interest is more in the digital aspect of art, you will find like-minded people with experience who will be able to help you bring your ideas to life. Whether you are considering pursuing art at a higher level or art as a hobby, this is the place to express and refine your skills.
Narragansett HS Chorus is an advanced level ensemble open to all who like to sing. We focus on vocal and musical development. Rehearsals are inspiring and productive, and the students are very welcoming. The NHS Chorus hosts four major concerts per year and performs for community events in Narragansett. Chorus meets in several sections during the school day, and can also be taken after school as a class (2-2:50 daily).
Chorus: Advanced Treble
The Advanced Treble Chorus is an award-winning ensemble that offers advanced training in vocal technique and musicianship for sopranos and altos. The repertoire includes challenging works in three and four-part harmony in multiple languages from different periods in music history. Admission to this ensemble is by audition only. Advanced Treble Chorus rehearses during TASC on Wednesdays and after school on Fridays.
Chorus: Narratones
The Narratones Men's Chorus is an ensemble open to all young men who are enrolled in Chorus. This ensemble rehearses on Thursdays from 2:50-3:30, and performs at each major high school concert.
Concert Band

The NHS Concert Band is a class that meets during period 4A and 4B. All students with experience performing on wind and percussion instruments are welcome to join! If you are a beginner, it is never too late to start playing music. Just be sure to see Mr. Healey to lay out a plan to get ready before you sign up! In addition to our four major Home Concerts, the Mariner Band can also be seen performing locally at NHS Football Games, as well as at Narragansett community events, and parades. Additionally, the band travels to local and regional festivals and competitions each year. Recent successes at these festivals include Superior Ratings at the RIMEA State Band Festival and the Festivals of Music in Boston. The Band has been selected as the Most Outstanding Instrumental Ensemble at each of the last two Regional Festivals it has participated in: Festivals of Music (Boston 2017) and Music In the Parks (New York City 2016). This year, the NHS Concert Band will be traveling to Washington, DC to participate in another music festival. We’d love to have you along for the ride!
Class Officers
Class officers are responsible for providing leadership for their respective classes. They work closely with the administration and class advisors in determining and planning class activities. Elections for the following year are usually held in May. Each class elects a President, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and Treasurer. Elections are conducted by the advisor. The detailed NHS election procedure is available from class advisors.
Color Guard

Narragansett has a competitive Local Scholastic Regional A (LSRA) Color/Winter Guard team that is a member of New England Band Association (NESBA). This all-inclusive, co-ed team consists of members from grades 5-12. Color Guard is the Sport of the Arts, which involves a blend of dance and theater, all with equipment like flags and sabres, making music you can see. At times we march along with the bands in parades. The competitive season starts with rehearsals and practices in the Fall, and the season ends in the Spring. For more information,
please contact Joyce Campbell, coach/director @ 401-824-9931
Drum Line
The Mariner Drum Line is the heart and soul of the instrumental program during parades, football games, and spirit week! Rehearsing Monday nights from 6-8 PM, the Drum Line always lays down the groove! Members of the NHS Drum Line receive training on Marching Battery Percussion (quad toms, snare drum, bass drum and cymbals), Concert Percussion (timpani, mallets, etc), and non-traditional percussion instruments (bucket drumming, body percussion, etc).
Envirothon is a hands-on interscholastic competition testing student’s environmental knowledge. Expertise in five subject areas is assessed: soils, forestry, wildlife, aquatics, and a special topic that changes annually. Up to three 5-member teams attend weekly after-school training throughout the year and three state sponsored half day Saturday workshops. With the knowledge gained, students compete at the all-day state competition in May. If the team wins the state competition, they will advance to the North American Envirothon during the summer.
Future Farmers of America (FFA)

FFA is a national organization comprised of students enrolled in the horticulture program. Members are actively involved in educational, recreational, and leadership activities. Members have the opportunity to compete at the state, regional, and national level.
GSA: The Gay Straight Alliance

Our mission is to work toward a more accepting environment for all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, through education, support, social action, and advocacy. We welcome straight allies along with our LGBTQ+ students. There are two foci for this group: a social component and advocacy. We meet twice a month and organize a number of school wide events like “Ally Week” and ‘The Day of Silence.”
Health Careers Club

This new club will be open to students in grades 9-12. The goal of this club is to introduce students to different healthcare careers. Guest speakers from local colleges and universities along with representatives from different health professions will discuss their careers and students’ educational options. A field trip to a local university’s simulation lab is planned, where students will be able to see a “patient” (mannequin) in a true-to-life hospital setting.
Instrumental Ensemble
Instrumental Ensemble is open to all students with a strong musical background and enthusiasm. This group will complement the Concert Band and work on literature selected by the student for solo instrument (s) or small ensembles. This organization will participate in the winter and spring concerts. Band festivals are optional. Rehearsals will be held after school on a regular basis.
Jazz Band
The NHS Jazz Band is an auditioned ensemble that performs in the traditional big band style. Recently, the NHS Jazz Band performed at the Chorus of Westerly Summer Pops, where they earned rave reviews while performing for a crowd of more than 10,000 people. This year, the NHS Big Band will be entering competitions for the first time at the Berklee Jazz Festival in Boston and the RIMEA Jazz Band Festival at the University of Rhode Island.
Math Team
The main purpose of the Math Team is to stimulate more sustained and intensive effort in solving math problems. The Rhode Island Math League sponsors four math meets per year where students compete with other students throughout the state for team recognition and for individual distinction. The results are published statewide and the test solutions then become available to all competitors. At the end of the season, the top teams in the state compete for the state championship, and individuals may also try out for the R.I. Math Team, which then competes at a regional competition sponsored by the Atlantic Regional Math League. Membership is open to all students regardless of grade level. It is recommended that students join for multiple years to better their scores.
National Honor Society

The Mariner Chapter of the National Honor Society is an affiliate of the National Honor Society through Narragansett High School’s membership in the National Association of Secondary School Principals.
The first step toward becoming an honor society member is that a student must achieve a minimum cumulative average of 3.4 using an unweighted average over the first two years at the high school. Having attained this average does not mean that the student is
automatically a member. The honor society member must meet and maintain four pillars; the scholarship is just one. It is, however, the one that earns the student the initial invitation. The other pillars are service, leadership, and character.
In the fall of the school year, junior and senior students who meet the academic requirement for membership are informed in writing.
The expectation is that incoming juniors accumulate thirty (30) documented hours of service after their acceptance into the society and thirty (30) for the senior year for a total of sixty (60) documented hours over the two years. Incoming seniors must present thirty (30) documented hours once they have been accepted for membership. The further expectations are that the student continues to attend monthly membership meetings, participate in service projects, maintain the required academic average, perform in leadership roles, and experience no character infractions all the while being a stellar role model in the school and community.
New members will be assigned mentors, and the formal induction will be held in the spring of the school year. Please visit the society’s Schoology page for more information.
Ocean Science Bowl
Ocean Science Bowl is an academic club that meets weekly to explore all areas of ocean science, including marine biology, geology, chemistry, physics, technology, and social issues concerning the sea. The team competes every February at the Connecticut/Rhode Island regional competition of the
National Ocean Sciences Bowl. The competition has both a Jeopardy-style buzzer round and a team challenge round.
Readers Ink!

A student-led book club that meets once every six weeks to discuss a book of the students' choosing. At our first meeting of the year we will collectively decide on our first book. Six weeks later we will meet to discuss the book, our likes, dislikes, and everything in between. We will choose another book before the end of the meeting and meet again six weeks later.
Rhode Island Honor Society
Membership in the Rhode Island Honor Society is open to those seniors who achieve an average of 85 or a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 at the end of the first semester in grade 12 and meet all other requirements outlined in the Rhode Island Honor Society constitution (see National Honor Society description).
Rhode Island Pharmaceutical and Biological Engineering Academy
The Rhode Island Pharmaceutical and Biological Engineering Academy is a nine-week program in which students work with a professor from the Chemical Engineering Department and her graduate students at the University of Rhode Island to design and conduct an experiment addressing chemical factors' effects on tumor growth. Students will analyze their data and construct research posters that will be presented to members of the Narragansett and URI communities.
SADD: Students Against Destructive Decisions
The mission of SADD has expanded to deal with underage drinking, other drug use, risky and impaired driving, and other destructive decisions. This is group for non-athletes who choose to be alcohol and drug free. We work with VAASA and also incorporate national SADD activities. We meet twice a month to play games, do team building, learn about drug and alcohol trends, develop campaigns, discuss social issues, and prepare and present to the Pier school.
SPARK is Narragansett High School's random acts of kindness club. Over the course of the year we organize various fundraisers that help people both in our community and nationwide. We do our best to promote kindness and equality throughout the school.
Stress Management Club
Students today are under unprecedented stress due to academic demands, busy extracurricular activities, and social media influences. This club will help students explore the physiological signs and symptoms of stress, the health effects of prolonged stress, and practice research-supported stress management and mindfulness techniques. The group will develop an atmosphere of inquiry, sharing, and fun. Join us to learn life-long healthy habits! Meetings will be held during TASC periods, will not include homework, and will provide a healthy snack.
Student Council

The Student Council represents the student body in matters pertaining to school government. It sponsors freshman orientation, dances, pep rallies, and homecoming events among other activities and donates to various charities during the year. All students are encouraged to attend meetings and actively participate in all activities as well as to bring issues before the council. Any student or organization interested in publicizing an activity should contact the faculty advisor. Elections for Student Council for the following year are usually held in May. Each class may send up to eight representatives to serve on Student Council. The officers are elected by grades 9, 10, and 11 and the president(s) must be a member of the upcoming senior class. There are several election guidelines that must be emphasized: 1) A student can only be elected to one position in Student Council. 2) Only those students who turn in the required petition by the designated time will have their name vetted and placed on the ballot. 3) The election takes place in Advisory. 4) In Order to be elected on the first ballot, a student must receive a majority vote. If not, a run-off election will be held. The winner will be the student with the most votes. Elections are conducted by the advisor. The detailed NHS election procedure is available from the main office and/or Student Council advisor(s).
The NHS Theatre department puts on a minimum of one large musical annually, and often provides students with the opportunity to participate in a drama workshop throughout the year. Students in both the production and the workshop learn acting technique, voice and movement techniques, and the ins and outs of theatre, both onstage and backstage. Students who participate in the musical also receive vocal technique and dance training.
The UNREAL Gaming Club
In the UNREAL Gaming Club, student members will create games using the Unreal Engine gaming platform, which will eventually be modified for use with the Oculus Rift virtual reality system.
VAASA: Varsity Athletes Above Substance Abuse - Leadership Group
This is a group of athletes who choose not to do drugs and alcohol, and who promote healthy living and wellness. We coordinate with the SADD club. We meet as a group twice a month to play games, do team building, learn about drug and alcohol trends, develop campaigns, discuss social issues, and prepare and present to the Pier school. Every year, we attend a state wide conference VAASA leadership conference.
World Languages Club

The World Languages Club is a place where students can engage in cultural activities and generally learn more about the world's traditions, foods, dances, films, etc. Students tell us what they would like to explore, and we work together on a number of different themes. It expands what they already learn in the three language courses offered at the high school, and it gives them a chance to have experiences that do not fit in the regular curriculum.
Yearbook Club

Yearbook Club is the perfect place to express creativity and, more importantly, make new friends! Every student’s contribution will be appreciated in June when the yearbook is delivered and handed out to students. After being trained how to use the online program, students will work independently and with partners to collect information, photos, and more to be included in the final product. Members of this club will be able to work on their assignments at school and at home. Weekly meetings will be used to coordinate layout, update details, address business, and answer questions. Throughout the year, other related tasks will need to be done, including sales, photography, promotions, and distribution. Students of all grade levels are encouraged to join so they can be given a role in designing, promoting, and selling the yearbook as well as helping to make it successful!