Useful FAQs about Narragansett School System’s Response to COVID-19
We continue to gather information for our school community as we navigate this situation together. Below are some helpful answers to questions you may have as we begin Distance Learning next week. If you have additional questions, please email them to [email protected] and we will respond as soon as we can.
Where can my student get breakfast and lunch while schools are closed?
Beginning on Monday, March 23, breakfast and lunch will be available to students on a “grab and go basis.”Pick up will take place at Narragansett High School each day from 10:00-11:00am. This service is available free of charge to all Rhode Island students who are 18 and under no matter where they may reside.When picking up, you do not have to leave your car as NHS will have two staff members in front of high school providing drive up service.
When Distance Learning begins next week, what do student have to do?
On Monday, March 23, students in grades 5-12 should check their PowerSchool Learning platform, and parents of students PK-4 should look for an email from Narragansett Elementary School linking to the assignment web page.Both PowerSchool and our Website is updated consistently with assignments, information, and directive.
For the full letter of information, CLICK HERE
Will students choose their own hours to do the work or is this to be done during regular school hours?
While there is flexibility in time for many assignments, students and/ or parents (for younger students) are asked to have contact with a teacher on a daily basis. There will be scheduled sessions such as discussions, video meetings, and other real time engagement based on each school's schedule. Each school is sending details to parents.
My child is currently enrolled in an IEP program.How will they be included in Virtual Learning?
If your child has an IEP, you will be contacted either by email or phone with the special educator and related service providers plan for implementation of your child's IEP services. They will look different but in alignment to the goals of your child's IEP.Some of our therapists will be offering virtual face-to-face sessions through your computers as well as touching base with students via the phone.If you have any questions during this new way of learning, please reach out to the below contacts depending on your needs.Also, please note that all special education meetings will be delayed until our return to school or we receive further guidance from the Rhode Island Department of Education.
In an event that a laptop may stop working or need service, what do I do?
Starting Monday, March 23rd, if you are experiencing technical issues with your school-issued laptop, you can email [email protected] or call 401-284-4951 from 8am-3pm to reach our technical support team who will try to assist in and troubleshoot any issues you may be having.If the issue cannot be resolved, we will schedule a time for the student to come in.No one can come in without an appointment.We will be scheduling appointments in 15-minute blocks, enabling us to practice social distancing while assisting those with technical needs.
My home does not have internet. What should I do?
If your household qualifies for Free/Reduced lunch, you are encouraged to apply for free internet for 30 days through Cox Communications.The Application can be found HERE. Additional information on what Cox is offering can be found HERE.
If you have not yet applied for Free/Reduced Lunch but may qualify, please learn how to apply HERE.
You are also encouraged to reach out to your cell phone provider to see if they are offering temporary unlimited data and mobile hotspot capabilities during this situation.
What happens after April 6th?
As we continue to take guidance and direction from the Governor’s office and RI Department of Health, any new information extending beyond the current plans for Distance Learning ending on April 6th will be communication to the entire school community as soon as information and direction is received.
Where are updates being shared as they come in?
The Narragansett School System continues to share updates directly to your phone and emails through School Messenger as well as on our Website, Facebook Page, Twitter Feed, and Instagram Page.
Are Schools/Central Administrative Offices open?
To ensure the health and wellness of our community, our offices and schools are closed to the public. Limited in-office staffing remains as cleaning, sanitizing, and planning continues. There may also be a short block of accessibility for students needing to pick up materials and this will be communicated to you through your respective school via email.
If you have questions about any of the information we are providing, please reach out to your respective school’s office via phone/email or email [email protected] and someone will be in touch as soon as possible.
What are the best contacts for our school's mental health support staff?
Below are some helpful contacts for support staff across the district if needed:
REMINDER: Please continue to check our district website for updates from Superintendent Dr. Peter Cummings as well as follow us on our social media pages as we share up to date information. Our latest school community letter can be found HERE.