Dear Students and Parents,
I hope this message finds you and your families safe and healthy. After an unprecedented last 6 months, we will be back at school starting September 14th, 2020. This year, along with the excitement and anticipation of starting school, will come anxiety, nervousness and some trepidation. We have worked hard to prepare for students’ return to NHS. All students should have received their schedule of classes through their Powerschool Portal. Each student will find their red or white team assignment on his or her schedule in the “locker/locker combination” field.
The Narragansett High School PowerSchool parent/student portal is now open.
1. Please login using a computer (the phone app does not display the team information):
2. To view your schedule for the 2020-21 school year, click on My Schedule.
3. To view the team you are assigned to, click on locker information. (Only available on your desktop)
Red and White Teams
Every student at NHS is placed on either a red team or a white team. This designation becomes important only when we are on a hybrid schedule that allows only 50% or 25% of students in the building at a time.
The first two weeks of school (September 14-25) we will be in a hybrid model where we will alternate in our red and white teams. Much thought and consideration went into creating our red and white teams, including bus routes, families in multiple schools, neighborhoods, course requests and student schedules. We have worked hard at accommodating family requests for placement on specific teams. Consequently, moving a student from one team to the other is not as simple and easy as one may think.
The Governor and the Department of Health have given us the green light to have 100% of our students in school. For us at Narragansett High School that “100% in” number begins on September 28th.
The week of September 14th - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday the RED team will be in school; Tuesday, Friday the WHITE team will be in school.
The week of September 21st - Monday, Thursday the RED team will be in school; Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday the WHITE team will be in school.
Example for the week of September 14th: Student X is on the Red Team. Student X is in school on Monday, ZOOM into their classes on Tuesday, in school on Wednesday and Thursday, and ZOOM on Friday.
After these first 10 days ALL students will be in school and at 100% capacity, Red and White Teams will no longer be utilized.
If any student has a concern with their schedule, we will have a two week drop/add period to adjust schedules. This is to be done virtually with your child's guidance counselor. Please contact your guidance counselor with your question/concern. This is a busy time and we will all need to have patience during this time.
Entering and leaving the building.
All rooms and hallways at Narragansett High School will be grade specific, meaning Freshman, Sophomores, etc., will be assigned and remain within a certain area of the building and a certain number of classrooms.
All students will be entering the school via the two North End doors. Freshman and Junior students will enter through the first door (between Mr. Cannon and Mrs. Krous rooms, in the old senior hallway). Sophomore and Senior students will enter through the 2nd door (between Mrs. Spier and Mrs. Ashworth’s rooms in the old junior hallway).
Upon entering the building, students will have their temperature taken and then continue to a designated room prior to the start of school. If a child records a temperature higher than 99.0, he/she will be taken to an isolation room where a parent will be called to come and pick up the child.
It is important for all families to run their children through a safety protocol before they leave for school. This protocol should include taking your child’s temperature and assessing their general health (headaches, body aches, sore throat, etc), before putting them on the bus or sending them to school. You will receive communication from the district regarding a daily “attestation” app where you will run through a series of questions, just as when you might go to a medical appointment or restaurant reservation, and confirm with the school that each child has been screened by a parent or, in the case of our high school students, has self screened.
As we open up and prepare for 100% capacity, these first two weeks will bring with them many questions and concerns. We will work through all those questions and concerns as they arise.
ALL students will enter and leave by those same doors at the North End of the building. 11th and 12th grade students will be dismissed at 1:44pm. 9th and 10th grade students will be dismissed at 1:52pm. This staggered release time is set to help make sure the hallways are not congested at the end of the school day. Again...ALL students will enter and leave the building through the same door. Enclosed you will find a map to the school outlining the doors students will be utilized when entering and leaving the building.
Laptop distribution, Parent paperwork
All students will receive their laptops on their first day of school, along with any paperwork, releases, waivers which need a parent/guardian signature.
On Monday September 14th, all RED team students will receive their laptops and accompanying paperwork.
On Tuesday September 15th, all WHITE team students will receive their laptops and accompanying paperwork.
Completed paperwork should be turned back into their first period teacher.
100% Virtual Students must sign up to pick up their laptops. (See an email titled Student Device Pickup which was sent out on Sep 1). If you have any questions or concerns on how to sign up to receive it, please call 792-9400 and we will help guide you through the process.
Finally, I want to thank our teachers, our maintenance and custodial staff, our superintendent, our entire school community, as well as, all those who worked hard to get us to where we are today…. ready to start school. I can't stress enough that we all are truly in this together. None of us can do this alone and by everyone doing their part we will get through this and all be stronger on the other side. If you have any concerns or questions please feel free to call me at your earliest convenience. (401) 792-9400.
Thank You,
Principal Dan Warner