2020/2021 NHS Red/White School Calendar
Good afternoon Parents and Students,
I hope this message finds your family healthy and happy, as we continue to navigate these unprecedented times. We find ourselves finishing up quarter 1, ending on 11/13, and I wanted to take a few minutes and catch you up on what to expect moving forward, as well as some events we have planned for quarter 2.
We are going to remain in our current Hybrid Model consisting of red/white days and teams until the end of the first semester which is January 29th, 2021. The COVID-19 safety protocols that we have implemented here at NHS have been going well and to date we have been fortunate to not have any cases involving our students in our building. I do believe being in a hybrid model has had a positive impact on how we are dealing with Covid-19. We are able to monitor kids more closely and provide classroom space and hallway space in order for our kids to maintain a socially distanced presence. Enclosed you will find a calendar outlining our school days, Red Team days and White Team days for the rest of semester 1. We will maintain a set schedule for quarter 2 whereby Monday and Thursday will be Red Team days and Tuesday and Friday will be White Team days. Meanwhile, Wednesdays will alternate each week between red and white.
Another very important ritual we need to remain focused on is the daily screening of your children before they get on the bus or come into school. Please remember the importance of the mandatory Frontline attestation form that is required to be completed every morning before your student arrives at school. This ensures the safety and health of the NHS Community. If youre experiencing technical difficulties with the Frontline App please email Giulio Lugini at [email protected]. Thank you very much for your cooperation regarding this important step. Also constantly reminding your children of the importance of proper mask wearing, washing hands and socially distancing themselves which can do nothing but continue to help us remain safe.
As I stated previously, our first quarter is coming to a close on November 13th) and with it comes our Parent Teacher conferences. This year all conferences will be done virtually or with a phone call between you and the teacher, whichever you prefer. Please call the high school at (401) 792-9400 ext. 4012 and speak with Becky Menard to schedule an appointment with your child's teacher/s. When calling the school, please be prepared to leave your email address as well as your phone number, in order to better streamline the process.
I hope this message finds all Narragansett High School families safe and healthy. We are all in this together, and I do not want that phrase to become trite. Keeping together, checking on one another and taking care of each other will help us weather this storm easily and more efficiently. If we do this and keep our nose to the grindstone...We will come out stronger on the other end.
Take care and be well,
Dan Warner